Tag: net2uk

What do bloggers look like?


This video was a quick one shot at the Social Media Surgery for voluntary groups in Birmingham this evening (should say 2009 – my bad). Despite the leading questions, I hope it gives you a sense of how people from community groups feel about the help they get from volunteer bloggers and social media folk. About 25 “recipients” (real people) plus  the social media surgeons who were in no particular order:

Jon Bounds, Pete Ashton, Jon Hickman, Joanna Geary, Gavin Wray, Benjamin Brum, Simon Whitehouse (see here), Abby Corfan, Phil Oakley, Watfordgap, Danny Smith, Katie Spragg, Mark Steadman.

For a more general view please have a look here. Pete shot this and uploaded it there and then to demonstrate embedding. Bless him!

I promise to pay more attention to Beth Kanter

In the new year blog post I’ve written in my head (but not here – it needs to follow a review of the year and that too is still in my head) one of the things that occurred to me was that I need to pay more attention to Beth Kanter.

I treat Beth’s brilliance as the background to my online life, knowing that I needn’t do a million and one things ‘cos Beth will have already done them and reported on them, just for me.  Here’s one for example – how to list the bits of your blog that you lot have found most engaging using something called Postrank (which counts much more than most clicks).  Here are mine for the last 12 months, interesting year!

Why doesn’t government have reservists?

Bridging the digital divide is about strengthening human networks not internet access.

BAD08 Birmingham Social Media Surgery: provisional results

Blog Action Day in Birmingham – a social media surgery for voluntary orgs.

What is a Birmingham Blogger doing at the Tory Party Conference?

Birmingham Bloggers met.

Marc Reeves, The Birmingham Post and Five fine questions on blogging.

Quality newspaper video from the Birmingham Mail:

Was the Big Picture about the artist or the community?

The fab moment Lucy Moore realised her Grandfather’s picture was The Big Picture Winner 2008

Downing Tweet: is this about the personal, celebrity or patronage?

The Charity Commission Responds to Education and Blogging

Hands up whose blog helps them learn? The Charity Commission thinks you’re wrong

Is Tom Watson MP stealing or reading? The Tories think the former

Why should leaders blog?

The flow chart of faff

Has Birmingham’s Artsfest gone anti-social on Twitter?

Twitter and the Birmingham (ish) Earthquake.

and then here’s some more, but from Beth:

How Much Time Does It Take To Do Social Media? 

Social Change Behind the Firewall

Transparency and Social Media: Dealing with Criticism

Blogging Behind the Nonprofit Firewall: ROI Approach

How To Share the Social Media Workload in Your Organization

I would put Beth high on Business Week’s new wanted list of online guru’s.  If you’re not subscribed to Beth’s blog give yourself a new year treat, and do so.

Do Muslims have a sense of humour?

islamickittehborder.jpgThat’s one of the questions asked on the site of a new programme being launched in Birmingham on November 7th.  The full question on Heard and not Seen is

I want to ask, “Do Muslims have a sense of humour?”.
I ask as the media portrays them in a negative way; extremism, fundamentalism etc etc. Where do Muslims go to relax and have fun as I understand they don’t drink either. I’m just curious…

One answer can be found on the site below the question, whilst I think an even better one comes from here in the form of the islamic lolcats you see on the left.

Heard and not Seen is run by Friction Arts (who’ve just shifted their own website over to wordpress) and is best described as askthedriver for Muslims.

If you also want to go to the launch and ask some questions details are here.

Eloquent Colalife Video


Simon Berry’s patient yet relentless campaign to persuade Coca Cola to use its distribution network to trasnsporrt re-hydration salts is explained in this elegant short video.

Here it is, the 30 sec video to support the ColaLife submission to Googgle’s Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th). Please go and look at it on YouTube. It’s a thing of beauty! Please can I also ask you to comment on it on YouTube and rate it (highly?). It’s worth clicking the ‘watch in high quality’ link to appreciate the detail.

After watching, commenting and rating – that should only take 2 minutes – can I ask you to do one more thing? Please send a link to this page to 10 of your friends and ask them to do the same? Very many thanks.

I want to thank the following people who have dedicated a significant part of their lives over the last 3 days to pull this together: Luke Berry (artist); Sam Berry (Animator); Julian Moore (Sound); Simon Cohen and Howard Lake for creative suggestions.

There’s still time to comment on the text of the application if you can.

Onwards and upwards!

There are a lot of talented Berrys. Watch it, comment ,share please.