Simon Berry’s patient yet relentless campaign to persuade Coca Cola to use its distribution network to trasnsporrt re-hydration salts is explained in this elegant short video.
Here it is, the 30 sec video to support the ColaLife submission to Googgle’s Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th). Please go and look at it on YouTube. It’s a thing of beauty! Please can I also ask you to comment on it on YouTube and rate it (highly?). It’s worth clicking the ‘watch in high quality’ link to appreciate the detail.
After watching, commenting and rating – that should only take 2 minutes – can I ask you to do one more thing? Please send a link to this page to 10 of your friends and ask them to do the same? Very many thanks.
I want to thank the following people who have dedicated a significant part of their lives over the last 3 days to pull this together: Luke Berry (artist); Sam Berry (Animator); Julian Moore (Sound); Simon Cohen and Howard Lake for creative suggestions.
There’s still time to comment on the text of the application if you can.
Onwards and upwards!
There are a lot of talented Berrys. Watch it, comment ,share please.
Hi Nick – thanks again for the kind words and support – we will get there!! Simon