You can employ us to do a range of work…
Training In various forms of social media, including the principal and the culture, plus specific skills to solve the problems you need to solve. We also train in social reporting, giving you and your team the skills to collect and share on the fly.
Culture change and consultancy Sometimes you can see a better way forward but are blocked by your prevailing culture. We have used consultancy and open ways of learning about social and digital media to help you move your organisation on.
Creating Social Movements That sounds grand. We have experience of building networks which contain sufficient trust and energy that they grow into movements, whether local or national and even international.
Neighbourhood working We often work with a wide range of public services to help them use various digital approaches to bring communities together, build better relationship and help neighbourhoods act in more cohesive ways.
Measuring Impact Do you have simple ways to measure and report on the difference you make. We have developed our Impact Assessment Tool to make it easy for you to capture what difference you are making and turn that into data. We have also worked on developing a number of databases which record more specific KPI’s and outcomes.
Media making, website creation, hyperlocal sites We have made video, blogged and tweeted for a wide range of projects, from heritage projects to larger city wide social movements. We can make video, audio, images or text for you and help you create it for yourself. We have also supported the development of a number of hyperlocal website and helped public services find more effective ways to use these wonderful resources to communicate.
Open Data We have worked on open data in a number of ways for a number of years. We have been involved at national and local level to encourage government to release data in usable ways. We have also trained community level groups and larger charities to find and use open data to get new contracts, win bids or tell new stories.
Public Speaking We have spoken at numerous events on communities, digital media and impact measurement.
“The hands on guidance and support on on using digital technology and its potential use was invaluable.”
– Richard Stead, Practice Manager
“The training was just fantastic (and this from someone with very high expectations). I couldn’t recommend Podnosh more highly.”
– Lorna Prescott, Dudley CVS and Chair of Community Development Exchange
“I didn’t want it to be formal consultation – but engagement, and social media helped us to get that engagement.”
– Karen Cheney, District Head – Selly Oak District and Hall Green District