Category: Health and Social Care

The future of local government: being human.

In the past few days I’ve been fortunate to meet some fine people thinking about public services and democracy.  On Saturday I was in Huddersfield thanks mainly to Carl Whistlecraft of Kirklees Council for  #notwestminster.   Last week – thanks to Pete jackson of  IEWM WM-ADASS  I was at a session with senior social services officers run by Cormac Russell. Yesterday I had a cup of tea with Darren Canaan.

These have all helped me crystalise a thought or two.

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(Image Anthony Mckeown.  cc)

If it doesn’t require empathy why would we have people doing it? At notwestminster Matt Clack of Hackney Council ran a session called “Emotion, empathy and urgency – personal experience in public narrative.”  It was wide ranging conversation, which started with how can public servants use personal stories to help develop and improve their work.

I know that government can be very slow to change, but in a decade or two it will be much easier to have software perform processes and robots performs actions.

The work that can’t be done this way is the work that requires empathy. So the future of public servants is about their humanity.  This is also reflected in the work at Birmingham University (which we’ve worked on a little in the last couple of years) on the 21st century Public Servant, which identifies a number of qualities including:

  • The 21st Century Public Servant engages with citizens in a way that expresses their shared humanity and pooled expertise
  • The 21st Century Public Servant needs organisations which are fluid and supportive rather than silo-ed
    and controlling
  • The 21st Century Public Servant is rooted in a locality which frames a sense of loyalty and identity

If people are to be robust they need good networks – so lets help them make them.  Cormac Russell’s mantra – if he has such a thing – is ‘just connect’.  That is our experience too – that connecting help things happen and keep happening.

Darren Canaan used to be a pure connector for a fascinating organisation in Coventry,  Grapevine. “Grapevine does practical, hands-on work that tries to connect those of us who are isolated with the good people and good things in their communities.”  He told me of how his work was to understand someone’s strength and then help them meet people and groups that might benefit from those strength.

One young person was a little socially awkward and tended to sprint ahead of people whenever walking anywhere.  This strength turned him into a walk leader – he was valued for what he helped others do, rather than judged for his awkwardness.

Connecting is human work and it is core to how we increase the opportunities for people in their own neighbourhoods, which in turn (I think) can be expected to reduce the demand for formal services.

Update –  this appeared on twitter this morning (19th Feb 2016)


More from Notwestminster:  (update – a full round up of blogs from the event can be found here:

Paul Mackay’s round up

Notes from all the sessions.

Dave McKenna on re-designing the council meeting.

Francis Clarke on digital and local democracy.



NHS Improving Qualities

Over the last few weeks we’ve been working with a group of workers from multiple departments of  NHS Improving Qualities (NHSIQ).

NHSIQ  “is the driving force for improvement across the NHS in England” and from the communications department to end of life care we’ve been working with them to get them to think differently about Social Media and the possibilities it holds for their work.

At our most recent Awareness Session we caught up with two attendees, Louise Fowler and Angie Robinson, to find out what they thought about some of our ideas and what they meant for them….


JSNA and the West Midlands – notes from a RAWM event on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

This is an event run by RAWM to explain how the NHS is commissioning in the west Midlands and what the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.  I’ll just make key points – partly showing what is new:

This is a long post with lots of quite useful information on the structure of the NHS in the West midlands in April 2013

Lorna Shaw kicks off..

Lorna worked for the Local Government Association to lead on developing Health and Wellbeing Bards (the new board being established by local authorities).  Her points from the Health and Social Care Act

  • Government is trying to promote the idea that health is “everyone’s business”.  Change driven by money (getting tighter) plus ageing population and more intensive use of tech in health.
  • £20 billion savings to be made by 2015 – equivalent to a 5% imporovment in productivity.  £30 billion a year goes on treting alcohol related illness
  • In terms of reforms constant support for health and Wellbeing boards and transferring public health to local authorities.

Key principles include:

  • measure outcome not processes
  • empower clinicians and professionals
  • commission wellbeing and improving lives locally Read more