JSNA and the West Midlands – notes from a RAWM event on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

This is an event run by RAWM to explain how the NHS is commissioning in the west Midlands and what the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.  I’ll just make key points – partly showing what is new:

This is a long post with lots of quite useful information on the structure of the NHS in the West midlands in April 2013

Lorna Shaw kicks off..

Lorna worked for the Local Government Association to lead on developing Health and Wellbeing Bards (the new board being established by local authorities).  Her points from the Health and Social Care Act

  • Government is trying to promote the idea that health is “everyone’s business”.  Change driven by money (getting tighter) plus ageing population and more intensive use of tech in health.
  • £20 billion savings to be made by 2015 – equivalent to a 5% imporovment in productivity.  £30 billion a year goes on treting alcohol related illness
  • In terms of reforms constant support for health and Wellbeing boards and transferring public health to local authorities.

Key principles include:

  • measure outcome not processes
  • empower clinicians and professionals
  • commission wellbeing and improving lives locally
  • tackling health inequalities and disadvantage locally.


Here is an infographic – to interact with it go here.

The health and care system from April 2013 | Modernisation of health and care

Clinical Commissioning Groups:

211 created covering 60% of the NHS budget.  eg Birmingham has:


Dr Lola Abudu  from Public Health England on understanding and informing commissioning…

Commissioning flows like this

  • Start with needs assessment
  • Commissioning plan developed
  • Doing – providing the services
  • Review

Joint Strategic needs Assessment

  • specific product that provides information on needs of population
  • ongoing iterative process orchestrated by local health and Wellbeing board

An understanding of the needs of the local population is already embedded in the knowledge of the staff of the local voluntary organisations

Dr Lola Abudu  from Public Health England.

The JSNA is the golden thread that links the population to the commissioners.

Her thoughts on the role of Voluntary orgs in the health and social care syste

1 Advocacy

  • How are you organised to engage with Healthwatch Do you have inks with patient participation groups? Does the local clinical commissioning group have engagement arrangements
  • Can infrastructure orgs help share information and gather intelligence.

2 Engagement Cycle

  • How can the voluntary sector link into identifying need – supporting prioritiesing and decision making, designing services and procuring services

3 Influencing Comissioning Decision

  • You already have information, what can I do with what I already have
  • Because we already reach communities and have expertise – if commissioners provide you with the resources what work can we do for them that plays to the strenghts of the vol org.
  • Get involved in consultation son service design.
  • Understand the commissioning cycle to see what you can best influence.

NHS England has funded a number of learning sites across England:

Dudley Shropshire and Staffordshire are about creating partnerships with local voluntary sector.  Tailored partnership development days and masterclasses.

Key issues identified about working with vol orgs for the NHS

  • Commissioning process is complex
  • How resilient are the different vol orgs
  • Needing named contacts for voluntary orgs in the commissioning process
  • Does  the third sector need to work together to build capacity and perhaps deliver outcomes through contracts?
  • Outcome driven and social value approaches

VCS as service providers. opportunities..

  • Personal budgets provide and opportunity for a qualified provider.
  • Community development – community based responses to public health isues
  • Make sure the intelligence you have can be packaged and put together in a way which can be offerred to commissioners.
  • Making every contact count.-

“every contact can help imporove mental and physical wellbeing…

preventing poor health and promoting healthy living is essential”

Mental health and Wellbeing will be very important

Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep learning, Give

END OF NOTES (these are notes from an event – trying to capture what the speakers were saying)