A couple of my friends, Stef and Dubber, set up this simple site a few months ago. It is much more interesting that it may at first appear. After all this looks like a selfish site. Tell us what you want, it says.
But what makes Isowish social, worth joining and interesting is not making a wish but being part of a community that might help grant one. Some of the wishes are deeply personal, beyond anyone’s power to grant. Yet even these elicit encouragement and support from the Isowish community. You may not be able to fix a problem, but you can make people feel better.
Isowish demonstrates a simple truth, that generosity is the key to social web.
Yeah really good site, I seen a video of Stef on the web recently talking about http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ and I wonder if the idea has gone on from there? Maybe less controversial, but I so wish looks like it will really take off, it’s easy to use, interesting and the response from users is swift. Really good work from the guys that wrote this. Bravo I say!