Just a few thinks I’d like to mention as a way of getting the week going, and what a week:
South by South West Midlands The most fun I’ve had online in a long time resides in the stream of stuff (both brilliant and facile) emerging from the Birmingham folk who are spending the week in texas at SXSW.
The Brummie Nadgers: for those with patience (ta bab)
Zuckerberg Flocked Up: By twitter
McParty: Celebrate brummie Darkness.
Doh: The Bullring drops a bullock
Investbx: Too late to buy a slab of the West Midlands
Howard Owens: Slick ain’t good enough for video.
Change Your Life With Computers: go on then thought leaders – it is time to be FlockedUp.
Rory at the Beeb: Steve this is what we really want from the iPhone – or else.
How to be silenced: Idealgovernment on the civil servants who’s secret (!) blog suddenly went quiet.
Audiences Central: Want to break a record?
Birmingham Post Gets Praise: for twigging that bloggers are good!
Freaking Recession: It’s gone wrong (for some?).
Clay fete: Lets get journalism really rocking (more to follow on this).
Pardon?: Smalldots on how we tend to go just a bit too far.
$15 billion: Am I bothered?
Are bloggers journalists?: Only when they care about the facts and the truth.
Digital Trespass: Oh please – where was the damage?
Thought Leadership: Time to open the Kimono for excellency in privacy.
Live Mobile Phone Webstream: Not the only one, but imagine in two years time!
Wow! I’ll have to spend some time going through this tomorrow….