Leng is going to University after Beth Kanter raised the $1000 dollars it will cost in less than 24 hours. This worked simply because Beth knows how to use online tools like ChipIn, asks us to contribute to an individual and most importantly is known and trusted by hundreds of people.
If Beth tells me that a cause is worth $10 of my effort I don’t need to know much more (she’s also looking for help for Chanphearom). On top of that Beth offered a simple prize – a mention in her blog, which counnts for something in the blogosphere. It’s Beth making good use of her two most precious resources, trust and influence.
Here’s the list of those who responded within 24 hours – and good luck Leng:
Shirley Williams
Michael David Pick
Preetam Rai
Wiebke Herding
Peter Cranstone
Polly Thompson
Nick Booth
Fernanda Ibarra
Britt Bravo
Kelley-sue LeBlanc
Laura Whitehead
Allyson Lazar
Andrew Carothers
John Powers
Neesha Rahim
Anal Bhattacharya
Steve Bridger
Lloyd Davis
Donna Callejon
Chris Brogan
Joyce Bettencourt
Erin Vest
Philip C Campbell
Jane E Quigley
Steve Spalding
Amanda Mooney
Ann Miller
Donna Papacosta
Christopher Lester
Zena Weist
Connie Reece
Mary Reagan
michael dunn
Anne Boccio
S Michelle Wolverton
Israel Rosencrantz
Clint Smith
Stephen Keaveny
Scott Schablow
Justin Kownacki
Neha Yellurkar
Amie Gillingham
David Beaudouin
Edwin S Coyle III
Randy Stewart
Michelle Martin
Liz Perry
Haystack in A Needle
Ian Wilker
Jay Dedman
Amy Jussel
Roger Carr
Jesse Wiley
Yikes. Just noticed a surname attached that shouldn’t be there. Could you delete, pls, for security reasons? (I know Beth pulled it already but this one seems to have been missed. Thanks AJ (no B.)
Thanks Shaping – made the change. I hope that’s OK?
Perfect! Mahalo…Amy