Tag: Soweto Kinch

Soweto Kinch on life in Birmingham 19 – Grassroots Channel Podcast 24

Soweto Kinch is a jazz and hip hop musician living in a tower block overlooking the Hockley Flyover in Birmingham.

He’s just finished working with the newsreader Moira Stuart to release the first of two albums which tell the story of living in his neighbourhood – the Newtown, Aston, Lozells area of the city. In programme 24 of the Grassroots Channel he explains how the music in A Life in the Day of B19 is motivated by a passion for using culture to lift a neighbourhood. Any comments please leave them here.

Soweto still performs and works at The Drum
Dune Jazz publishes and sells his work. Thanks for the help Janine! (dead link)
Soweto on Myspace
Soweto’s Album on Amazon A life in the day of B19
More about Soweto Kinch and his many awards.

Click below to listen to the podcast

(this was updated in Feb 2018 just to add some links to twitter etc – otherwise the content is the same)