We have recently been doing some work in Wolverhampton with the Local Neighbourhood Partnership (LNP), talking to their neighbourhood wardens about how they can use Twitter to communicate on their patch, the sorts of conversations they could be having and showing them practically how to use it.
As I live in Wolverhampton, sit on the board for my local LNP and use twitter in my neighbourhood with @WV11, one of the examples I used when training them was live tweeting from our meetings.
Bi-monthly in each LNP area there is a PACT meeting, Partners and Community Together where ASB officers from the council and housing associations, and other departments come to talk and answer enquiries, youth services deliver reports on the youth provision and the police attend and local policing priorities are set based on residents local needs. I, as @WV11, have been live tweeting/social reporting from my local meetings for months and last night as a result of our training an LNP in another area tried social reporting for the first time from their PACT meeting.
What was great following the #OXPACT tag (which you can see on Storify) wasn’t just that they were trying out a new way of a communication – that we had taught them – but also local councillors were picking up the information and spreading it to their networks too. On their very first attempt at sharing information in this way they were responded to positively and made their part of Wolverhampton a better networked, more informed place.
I hope many more of the LNP wardens in Wolverhampton will be picking up on this and trying it out in their areas and that sharing information in this way spreads further in other cities too!
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