Please government can we stagger end of financial years? Can Local Government end theirs in April, Central Government in July, the NHS in October, etc etc – can publicly funded organisations like social landlords do something similar too?
Public money can and does get wasted in the unruly rush to the end of March. You could improve that.
Spot on comment. Scrap it all together somehow, or invest it into some local good ideas/innovators/collaborations. £20,000? that’s 20 £1000 projects. £50,000, that’s 50 £10,000 projects. or even 50,000 £1 projects. I’ve seen 3 different public sector orgs this week and everyone is hurrying trying to spend it, it’s like a madhouse, literally! figures being passed around, papers signed quickly, makes me mad!
Indeed – also it pushes prices up shoving too much demand into the system at one end.