Review: March’s Central Birmingham Social Media Surgery

Jamie and Jean work on the Civic Centre Residents' Association blog

At another brilliant Central Birmingham Social Media Surgery in thestudio we saw a host of exciting and interesting projects either getting off the ground or being developed still further.

It was particularly nice to see a few repeat customers, not least Sally Rew who was down with Sheila Arthurs to do a bit more work to their blog for Active Arts with the help of Andy Mabbett.

Matt Kinson and Lucy Hales, from the Waterloo Housing Association came down. They were helped by Gavin Wray – and seemed really happy with their time – learning about how they could make better use of social media. You can find out more about what they did in this video:

Nick was helping people from the Birmingham Conservation Trust with their site. And it was great to see that Rosie, who was down on the night, has already posted an interesting piece on their blog. Meanwhile, the Civic Centre Residents’ Association also came down for a second visit. This time, Jean Varney came down with Martin Field and was helped by Jamie Garner. Jean was keen to learn a bit more about how to use the posterous that had been set up the month before by her fellow residents, Martin Miley and Roy Cockayne, with the help of Susi O’Neill. It looked like they had fun!

Also a big thanks to all the surgeons, also including Mark and Alan Coulson who also were on hand to help out.

It was also great to see the Birmingham MappaMercia OpenStreetMap group out in force. They’re the guys who were responsible for the gritting routes map, which appears to still be growing.

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