These are my links for February 4th through February 6th:
- Penval – News – "Earlier this week my local council announced that it was seeking European funding for wireless infrastructure in the rural “not spots” in the County. I believe that this is the wrong approach, not that I don’t understand the motivation because rural businesses get to the point where anything will do, but I still believe it’s wrong."
- The Social Business: *Other vehicles to create social change are available – I'd be right behind a Social Business Mark which was awarded to businesses which have clear social aims, and which provide externally verified evidence of their impacts. I'd even be happy if the businesses which had certain "social enterprise" structures got a further tick in the box. But given that my interest is in social change, and is not ideologically driven by a dislike of profit distribution, I am finding it hard to get enthusiastic about the Social Enterprise Mark.
- Rough Type: Nicholas Carr’s Blog: Blogging: a great pastime for the elderly – "blogging is now the uncoolest thing you can do on the Internet"
- Your Right To Know » Blog Archive » Bad-mouthing FOI – "I’ll be keeping my eye out for any FOI bad-mouthers in the future and if you know of any please do let me know"
- Yet another UK Hyperlocal Directory… but this time it’s open data « countculture – Most importantly, I thought the directory should be open data which could be reused by anyone and not just by the person or company running the directory.
just a quick note to say thanks for linking to my blog about the Mark above.