Young Rewiredstate the movie


  1. Alison Smith says:

    Can you reload your video from you tube to your site as it now has subtitles (closed captions) you just need to click on the bottom right corner ^ button.

    We at Pesky People via twitter asked why Rewired State wasn’t subtitled when it was supported by government departments. There are a lot of young Deaf people into working with the web and were missing out as a result of no subtitles or British Sign Language Interpretation.

    Pesky people has just been set up to establish a digital project that campaigns for digital rights of Disabled and Deaf people. Currently only 1% of websites are fully accessible and compliant to level ‘AA’.

    Led by Disabled and Deaf people our first step has been establishing Pesky People blog which went live on 1 September

    We’re primarily based in the WM with members from across the UK and appreciate any profile you can give us.

    We are also looking for support and new members.


    Pesky People
    Twitter: @alisonvsmith

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