This is not so much a blog post as an assemblage.
I’m very fortunate to have people tag things in delicious for:podnosh, which means I get to see stuff that I would otherwise have missed, or many never knew that I was interested in (what Stef calls accelerating serendipity). One such lovely person is Dominic Campbell who tagged this for me:
I would love to have heard what Hugh Graham was saying, espcially during the final few slides. Fortunately though you can read a lot of his idea on his blog.
This leads me to assemble some stuff:
Be2Camp is coming to Birmingham on August 12th 2009. “It’s for people interested in how the latest web applications and web design techniques could help build a better, more sustainable built environment – from planning and design through construction to occupation and management of buildings, infrastructure, landscape, etc.” Organised by Rob Annable and Lorna Parsons, you can register here:
Paul Slatter at the Chamberlain Forum has been experimenting with the Structured Dialogue method which is “an approach to storytelling circles designed to produce robust evidence (as opposed to anecdotes) which can be used in influencing policy.” There’s a more detailed outline at the Evaluation Trust.
In Sheffield in May I met Tony Quinlan from Narrate. He reminded me of some mass story collecting techniques, like these on Cognitive Edge.
Somehow I also connected this with Jon Bounds wandering Moseley drunk.
Moseley BarCamp – Blogging & Psychogeography from bounder on Vimeo.
Finally may I just add Karl Binders My Dad’s on Twitter experiment combined with Drawnalism.
There you go, it’s like assembling an Airfix kit without a picture or a plan. Have you any idea what that lot looks like?
Hi Nick
Nice assemblage! Be good to chat about this, hoping that a few Structured Dialogue pilots will be getting off the ground in Birmingham in the autumn. I’m away for a couple of weeks now, but will give you a call when I get back. Cheers, Hannah