Fazeley Studios meets LocalGovCamp meets new Podnosher

Hello there, it’s Paul here, Paul Henderson. you may know me from ruralnet|uk or various twitterings. I’m lucky enough to be joining Nick at Podnosh to generally help out, get in the way and in the case of an exciting day one – eat chocolate fudge cake!

Why? Well Fazeley Studios, home of Podnosh and other top Digital and creative businesses in Birmingham is hostingĀ  the first ever UK LocalGovCamp. Kate Manion showed Nick and me round the rooms that we’ll be using and we tested the two things that any campers need most in the world..wifi and food

Despite Kate’s best efforts, we’ll be trying to maintain an air of disorganisation around LocalGovCamp, but chocolate fudge cake lovers note, there will be no excuses for low turn out duringĀ  after lunch sessions…


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