With this being the summer and most of the folk I know (including my kids) on holiday I’m battling procrastination more than ever. The real question in my mind is should I work or should I no[sic].
Whilst trying to decide whether I should watch the Channel four programme on Castleford or pootle on the webs my mind wandered to David Barrie. Lo and behold his blog throws up the most exquisite piece on procrastination including quoting from my favourite song (The Clash – and not I’m sure if I should stay or go so I’ll probably do the one which requires the least effort) and a link to what I can only describe as the flow chart of faff.
Right. Back to “randomly browsing”, which these days seems to also involve watching my partner sit on the sofa working, next to my diligent daughter who’s reading another book whilst following LitteLaura on twitter as she polishes off another couple of websites.
Double Meh.
Wonderful article and sum up. I am very much in the same boat and the flow chart of faff is wonderful (by the way, only first came across the word ‘faff’ which is now one of my favourite words, when living in Brum). Glad keeping the world happy as LittleLaura on twitter too.
I to love Faff. I especially like it when someone has a “faff on”.
There is a real skill to faffing and my mind wanders to knowing what to say next – but the view out of the window *is* engrossing…for a moment… 🙂
There is a real skill to faffing and my mind wanders to knowing what to say next – but the view out of the window is engrossing…for a moment izlekop