Pete Ashton has reminded me of something I thoroughly enjoyed last month and would encourage you to get along too. This years first Lower Eastside Dialogue was on architecture. I learnt a lot, met some good people and enjoyed myself.
The next two are absolutely up my street, with next week about digital endeavours and the modern city and the following month about heritage and regeneration, which squarely fits my hat as a trustee of the Birmingham Conservation Trust. You can find details at this post, from Pete who I met in the flesh for the first time at the last dialogue. Next week’s is in quite small venue so book if you want to go.
There – any old excuse to use a picture of one of Birmingham’s architectural treaures: Curzon Street Station.
technorati tags: upyerbrum digbeth
I believe the Lower Eastside Dialogues event on 22nd March will be chaired by Pogus Caesar from Birmingham based OOM Gallery, by the way a fantastic facility providing exhibitions, photographic archives and films.
Caesar has for many years been a great ambassador for arts in the city. Hopefully people like this can be encouraged to stay in the Birmingham. (OOM Gallery is a great brand)
Thanks for pointing that out. if you want more information on March 22nd you can find it here: