Birmingham – Time for free wi-fi?

Once famous for the Sale of the Century, Norwich is proving that it has a grasp on the technologies of the century – effortless communication.

According to the BBC, the city has made 200 wi-fi aerials free to use in key parts of the city. It is something which Birmingham must watch and consider following (quickly). After all our most famous mayor, Joseph Chamberlain, built his reputation (and gave Birmingham a competitive advantage) by understanding the value of universal access to essential key economic resources, like and gas and clean water. Today these include quick, reliable, low cost communciations, whether in cyber space or real space.


  1. dave burrows says:

    I couldn’t agree more. Has anyone else tried to find out who in the Council is responsible for e-matters? Why is the Council spending a lot of our money on some half baked advertising campaign to promote the City to it’s own residents when a relatively small amount of cash could lever a lot more to pump prime a citywide wi-fi network.:mad:

  2. dave burrows says:

    I couldn’t agree more. Has anyone else tried to find out who in the Council is responsible for e-matters? Why is the Council spending a lot of our money on some half baked advertising campaign to promote the City to it’s own residents when a relatively small amount of cash could lever a lot more to pump prime a citywide wi-fi network.:mad:

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