Residents University – Birmingham September 2006

Our latest programme for the Grassroots Channel hears about a huge event in September (13th to 16th) which will bring hundreds of residents from different European Cities to Birmingham. The Residents University is organised by R4R Europe (a development from the orginal Birmingham based R4R). If you’re involved in regenerating your neighbourhood the chances are very high that you’ll find this event inspiring and educational.

I experienced a smaller R4R event in Dortmund earlier this year and came away exhausted but hugely encouraged by the range of practical work being done in many neighbourhoods (and also how good we are in Birmingham!).

The University lasts from Sept 13th to the 16th and there are still a few places left (you don’t have to go for the whole time!). If you’re a resident in Birmingham b:cen may well be able to pay your fees. the event is supported by Bimringham City Council and the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at Birmingham University.

Any way – have a listen and see if it appeals:

Residents 4 Regeneration in Europe (dead link)

Birmingham Community Empowerment Network (dead link)

A Different Reality Podcast