Tag: Young Foundation

Stuff I've seen September 20th through to October 6th

These are my links for September 20th through October 6th:

  • Pits’n’Pots – The Radical Press » Labour leader Barnes impersonates Pits’n’Pots! – "Labour Group Leader Mike Barnes has admitted to impersonating someone from this website to try and find information about a rumoured news story in another Authority."
  • Free music, courtesy of your library « Mabblog – "If (like me in Birmingham), you have an enlightened library service, they will have paid for a subscription to Naxos Music, so, by entering your library card number (you do have a library card, don’t you?) you can listen on-line, for free, to a “CD quality” stream of their recordings of Gilson’s music (or anything else in their vast and ludicrously high-quality catalogue). From home (or anywhere else, for that matter)."
  • Kirklees Community Technology Project « Yorkshire and Humber ICT Champion – ‘Local 2.0’ will work with community organisations, individuals, service providers, ward councillors and others within one neighbourhood and will look at how new web technologies can help people share information more effectively and bring more opportunities to neighbourhoods.
  • Feeding back citizen experience – Digigov – "We not only hinder the citizen in their ease of reporting (thereby potentially adding to their distress or preventing them from complimenting the service), we also lose something much more valuable – the ability to analyse where small changes across public services could result in maximum effect."
  • Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: A Methodology for Learning from Social Media Pilots: Reflection – Questions to Help Deep Reflection Occur

    1.What worked really well in this project?
    2.Did it accomplish goals or outcomes? In what ways?
    3.Did it fall short? Why?
    4.What would you do differently?
    5.What surprises came up during the project? What unexpected happened? What could you learn or capture from that?
    6.What insights did you get during the project?
    7.What processes did you use that worked well? Which didn’t work so well? Why do you think that was?