These are my links for September 1st through September 2nd:
- Headshift’s deal with Dachis Group brings ‘Facebookification’ of business to London | Media | – "Social business is the new way of working, not just new technology."
- Digital Transparency Index for US Congress – "The Digital Transparency Index is a way to indicate how active legislators in Congress are in the online world. It's currently comprised of several factors including a legislator's web presence, whether or not they syndicate content, and how active they are on Twitter and YouTube."
- What is Rant and Rave? | Instant Customer Feedback | Rant and Rave – Spotted by @chrisunitt: "Rant & Rave works by gathering people’s thoughts as soon as they experience a product or service. It collects feedback instantly through two main channels – formal and informal."
- Social seniors « stuff and junk – Some feedback from the first social media surgery/mob at Mosman Library ins Sydney: "I can’t think of a generation better suited to social media than that of our senior citizens." That's exactly how we find it at the Birmingham surgeries.
- xkcd – A Webcomic – Tech Support Cheat Sheet – This is how the experts do it. via @chimerax