Tag: surgery

Erdington Social Media Surgery: A volunteer helping a volunteer learn from a volunteer…..

Rinkoo Barpaga at Erdington Social Media Surgery

This is Rinkoo Barpaga, Rinkoo attended the Erdington Social Media Surgery this afternoon for some help telling the story of a project he’s involved with.

In 2 weeks time he’ll be flying to the states to take part in a series of workshops and training sessions with deaf community groups, theatre groups and comedians to learn how they approach putting on events for the deaf community over there hoping to bring the knowledge back to the UK to make things happen over here.

Not photographed is Rinkoo’s interpreter (who politely declined to be in front of the camera) a volunteer who had come along to act as a sign interpreter so that Rinkoo could sit and learn with me as Rinkoo himself is deaf.

It was a productive session which as always was adapted to best suit the person learning but in this instance involved a 3 way conversation and a lot of pointing but  there was something really lovely about how it came together, a volunteer helping a volunteer come and learn from, had it been someone else other than me teaching him, another volunteer.


Wolverhampton Link takes advantage of our Social Media Surgeries

This morning we were at Blakenhall Community and Haelthy Living Centre in Wolverhampton hosting another social media surgery. Attending were volunteers from Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council, workers from the cities Citizens Advice Bureau and Wolverhampton’s Local Involvement Network (LINk).

After the session we spoke to Pav from the LINk to ask her why she’d come along – She said she’d attended to find out more about Social Media, how to use facebook and twitter and connect it to their website.

She left having set up her own twitter account and as you can see in the video she is REALLY excited to get back to work and tell her colleagues about it!


Things I've spotted October 24th from 22:45 to 23:23

Here are some of the things I’ve been reading October 24th from 22:45 to 23:23:

  • Steve Bridger › Blogging a crisis: reflecting on some lessons learned – Steve Bridger writes a very fine post on his After Wilma blog, sharing with us why getting the story told is very important in times of crisis. He quotes Dan Gilmour: "Tell the truth. Tell it quickly. Tell as much as you can. People crave a genuine, human voice in times of crisis."
  • 21st Century Councillor – about 21st century councillor – "A 21st Century Councillor is one who is a supported, confident, talented and professional community leader. One who understands but can also transform their place. One who can think strategically, as well as be informed and inspired by their local roots. In short, being a 21st Century Councillor is a role that many more people should understand and aspire to fulfilling for at least a part of their lives. Where this is not the case, change is not going to come through statutory obligations alone."
  • Huddersfield gets it’s own social media surgery – The whole process is very well summed up: "At the surgery you’ll get chance to sit down and have a cup of tea with someone who understands about web sites and tell them about your group or organisation and what you do. This will be the starting point. Then you’ll be able to look at the kinds of web sites and services that you might find helpful, and see what similar groups are doing. You can choose some services to try out, and even set up a web site there and then if you feel you need some help getting started"
  • Social Media Surgery « John Popham’s Random Musings – "Every City, Town, Village & Neighbourhood should have a Social Media Surgery"
  • Rusbridger’s Mutualised News – Editors Weblog – Alan Rusbridger: "For the first time since the Enlightenment, communities are faced with the prospect of living without verifiable sources of news," Rusbridger warns. "This feels like some kind of emergency, and it is not clear to me that our legislators recognise that." Sometimes I think news organisations over play how much they really check the truth of the stuff they run.
  • cybersoc.com: guide to using social media (in 6500 words) – A wonderful long post where Robing sums up some of the stuff he's learnt about social media.
  • We don’t want to read your website. We want to write it. | Local Democracy – Paul Evans echoes a number of thoughts on councils and online media: "They are finding that all of these annoying geeks are making it more difficult for them with their FOI requests, their defamatory blogs, and so on. They feel that they’re in an arms race that they can’t win."

Stuff I've seen September 1st through to September 2nd

These are my links for September 1st through September 2nd: