I was at the Wolverhampton Social Media Surgery this week when a patient came for some help, who highlighted to me in a practical way somethings I’ve known and we’ve taught for a long time….
When it comes to Social Media it’s quality over quantity is what you’re looking for and being useful is what matters most.
Lorraine had come for some advice with the Wolverhampton Federation of Tenants Associations (WFTA) facebook page. I’d helped her set it up at a previous surgery and now she’d come along asking for help getting more “fans”, as at that point the page only had 44 “likes”.
The WFTA promotes the interests of social sector tenants within Wolverhampton and aims to ensure tenants and prospective tenants are able to have a say over services and are able to influence them so they are relevant to their needs. The WFTA facebook page is used to share information about the service the WFTA offers, engage with tenants and to advertise events they have coming up, most recently around welfare reform and regeneration. Lorraine wanted more fans so she could reach a wider audience, for more people to see the content for the benefit of the community but also as evidence to her boss, and the project funders that their social media was working.
Not only 44
She was fixated on that number 44, “only” 44 people were engaged with her page – “only” 44 people had clicked like – “only” 44 people are seeing my posts And on she went asking should I pay for advertising? How can I get MORE people to like the page – So I suggested that before she rushed out to pay for promoted content (something she had asked about) we look at the insights for her page….
We looked at the the reach of the page and the reach of individual posts. One update alone had reached 358 people. Some had more, some had less but that’s the one we focused on, so lets work that out in percentages, ((358-44)/44)*100= 713.63, rounded up that’s a 714% increase in the actual amount of people that were seeing the post to what she had thought were seeing it as evidenced by the number of people that like her page.
So where were the views coming from – how was she reaching so many people when she only had 44 likes?
The Right Content
Lorraine was being useful to her target audience and so in turn her content was being shared.
She could have only had 244 fans and still ended with a a total reach of 358 or maybe even less for that post if 200 of those people were the WRONG people to be talking to and the content was irrelevant.
Those 44 people were the right people for her to be engaged with. They thought the message she was sharing was useful and they in turn were sharing across to their own profiles and pages ultimately it IS the quality of the engagement that matters more than the number of people you think you’re engaging with.