Last week I worked with VCS Learning Solutions in Manchester to train a group of people who are, or will shortly be, running social media surgeries in different areas of north west England.
A slide I showed describes seven principles for digital mentors, originally created by Stuart Parker. The principles aren’t online now, so I’ve reposted them here with Stuart’s permission.
These principles closely match the skills and qualities required of a social media surgery manager, in my view, and I hope you find them useful.
Attentive: Listen up and listen well. Understand needs, fears and desires.
Impartial: While you may be a fervent believer in a service or platform, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will be right for others.
Social: Bow down to the network. Your fellow mentors are the key to achieving digital mentor nirvana.
Friendly: Confidence won’t improve with negative vibes.
Passionate: Believe in the positive changes technology can bring to everyone’s lives.
Lifelong: Understand that this is lifelong learning for everyone, Digital Mentors included.
Innovative: Recognise new and developing technologies and how they can be of benefit to everyone.
Photo: Low Hill Social Media Surgery courtesy of Wolverhampton Homes.