Tag: investigations

Things I've spotted July 5th from 09:59 to 13:20

Here are some o the things I’ve been reading July 5th from 09:59 to 13:20:

  • Sustainable independent and impartial news. WriteToReply consultation – "Sustainable independent and impartial news; in the Nations, locally and in the regions" is a 12 week public consultation document published by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport that "seeks views on the proposal for a contained, contestable element to be introduced to the next licence fee settlement."

    This WriteToReply republication of the original consultation document allows interested members of the public to comment on the consultation document at a paragraph level.

  • The Investigatory Powers Tribunal – Welcome to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal website. The IPT exists to investigate complaints about conduct by various public bodies, in relation to you, your property or communications.
  • paulcanning: A SocMed history moment – "This is a historical moment. A question from Iranians, via social media, gets asked of the US President. Mark this one down"
  • What's wrong with Flips? – The Daily Grind – A Flip Pro would be breaking new ground, and that’s an order of magnitude more risky. Are people ready for it?
  • Social media in public service: ideas for the Capital Fund at LocalGovCamp « Policy and Performance – "We were (ARE) looking for ideas: CLG’s Efficiency and Transformation Capital Fund potentially includes some significant funding for innovative and effective social media projects. The ‘only’ criteria are that projects can roll out quickly, achieve real outcomes against local priorities (as set out in Local Area Agreements), be scaleable and applicable across authorities, promote empowerment, link to the Total Place approach as that develops…!"