Tag: G20voice

When a blogger asks a Prime Minister a question at a summit has something interesting happened?


It’s a simple question, I’m trying to figure out if it has a simple answer. One of my fellow g20voice bloggers Richard Murphy knows his stuff and consciously uses his blog to campaign for reform of Tax Havens. Is it interesting or important that a blogger like Richard gets to ask questions at a summit like G20. Has anything changed?

Who are the G20Voice bloggers – a list

Dave Walker of Church Times created this original drawing.
Dave Walker of Church Times created this original drawing.

Who are the G20 bloggers (?) I hear you ask.   Here’s a simple list of our sites:

Daniel Kaufman  www.thekaufmannpost.net

Ahmed Al-Omran  http://saudijeans.org

Sokari Ekine  www.blacklooks.org

Simon Berry  www.colalife.org/blog/

Richard Murphy www.taxresearch.org.uk

Dave Walker Cartoonist

Jessica Uribe Salinas   vivirmexico.com

Jotman (writes anonymously)  http://jotman.blogspot.com/

Duncan Green www.oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/

Simon Todd www.climatecafe.org/blog

Vikki Chowney tech.bitchbuzz.com/

Cheryl Conte www.jackandjillpolitics.com/

Rodrigo Alvares  www.novacorja.org/

Daudi Were www.mentalacrobatics.com/think/

Dr Kumi Naidoo www.huffingtonpost.com/kumi-naidoo

James Simmonds www.sendmyfriend.org/news/young-campaigners

Sunball Hussain  www.myplatform2blogs.com/info/myplatform2

Joe Rowley  www.myplatform2blogs.com/info/myplatform2

Rowan Davies www.mumsnet.com

Virgina Simmons http://one.org/blog/

Michael Kleinmann http://humanitarianrelief.change.org/

Nick Booth http://podnosh.com/blog

Rui Chenggang http://blog.sina.com.cn/ruichenggang

Faik Uyanik   www.faikuyanik.com

Nacho Escolar www.escolar.net

Carole Edrich http://www.flickr.com/photos/webwandering

Richard Murphy www.taxresearch.org.uk

Alex Evans www.globaldashboard.org/

Kady O’Malley www.macleans.ca/itq

Montserrat Nicolas http://curvaspoliticas.blogspot.com/

Anthony Painter www.e8voice.blogspot.com/

Lloyd Davis www.perfectpath.co.uk/

Diana Vogtel www.350.org

Cédric Kalonji  www.congoblog.net/

Lani C. Villanueva

Also blogging with us is

Tom Watson www.tom-watson.co.uk

If I’ve missed any of you please shout.