These are my links for May 22nd through May 24th:
- Living with rats: It’s all about social justice – Nice presentation on the future of regeneration from Julian Dobson
- Big Society champion appointed Government advisor – Nat Wei, one of Teach First's founding team, has been appointed as the new Government adviser on Big Society and a member of the House of Lords.
- PM and Deputy PM’s speeches at Big Society launch | – A transcript of speeches given by Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg at the launch of the Big Society programme on 18 May 2010.
- Conceptual inclusion – "Language such as ‘be on’ is one of the many barriers groups face and it’s one of the reasons I enjoy volunteering as a surgeon because it really gets you thinking about how often and how easily you use words or phrases that seem commonplace but are in fact jargon to many and the session presents an opportunity to explain or discuss the terms properly. The digital world is moving so quickly that it isn’t just new words needing to be learnt but whole other ways of thinking,"
- – "online youth work is the most valuable tool I've used in a long long time" – Let's not forget that!