Stuffed full of mince pies and still dozy from the mulled wine? Time to get back into action and put your serous Social Media cap on for 2010. We took a break in December, and instead held a Social Media Surgery Social (phew!) for all those who had attended or helped at Birmingham surgeries in the year. Now we’re back to work full of ideas for how we can use the web to aid what we do. So schedule in the January surgery to your diaries now.
The next CENTRAL Birmingham Social Media Surgery will take place on Wednesday 20 January from 5.30-7pm at our new venue – thestudio.

We moved venues from Fazeley Studios in Digbeth (above) to thestudio on Cannon Street because we found during the winter months people were reluctant to make the dark evening walk to Fazeley street. Thestudio is bang in the middle of the city centre (see directions below) and couldn’t be easier to get to.
Situated on 7 Cannon Street, B5 5EP. To get to Cannon Street take a right turn off New Street after H&M. You can see the location on their map here.
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