Tag: api

Links from August 19th to August 22nd

These are my links for August 19th through August 22nd:

Stuff I've seen July 17th through July 22nd

These are my links for July 17th through July 22nd:

  • Liam Byrne on how innovators from around the world can teach the UK valuable lessons | Society | The Guardian – The UK government wants to offer up performance data so we have an "open book government". This from Liam Byrne: "online performance information is used to allow people to hold services to account and contribute to the way they develop. Take the US federal government website, Data.gov, which offers a wide range of information, from spending by different government agencies to levels of pollution. People can download and analyse the data themselves."

    Such open-book government is generating pressure for both better services and greater value for money. US cities, such as New York, Washington and Baltimore, which have been pioneering these approaches, have demonstrated improvements in policing and healthcare, as well as saving hundreds of millions of dollars.

  • CDI Europe Doers VII: We Share Stuff, Podnosh and Talk About Local – Iris lapinski cam to Birmingham from and organisation called CDI Europe and talked to some (not all) of the cities "doers". It's good to get a perspective from outside the city. CDO Europe sprang from South America and as srtong aims: "Our mission is to transform lives and strengthen low-income communities by empowering people with information and communication technology. We use technology as a medium to fight poverty, stimulate entrepreneurship and create a new generation of changemakers."
    Thanks for coming Iris, come back soon!
  • LGC on social media – "Now tweet this…" | Simon Wakeman – public sector communications, marketing and public relations – One of the key things I’d pick out of the LGC piece is that social media is only part of a communications strategy – it’s not a communications strategy in itself. How appropriate social media is compared to other tools depends on the campaign objectives, target audiences, key messages and a whole lot more.
  • Curating conversations | The Guardian Open Platform | guardian.co.uk – "Twitter is becoming an ever present backchannel at conferences and events. However sometimes it needs curating and moderating, especially if it's to be displayed large as a part of the event. Here we talk about an app built in a few hours and open sourced today which we used for this purpose for The Guardian's Activate Summit"
  • Technology Strategy Board | Creative Industries Strategy 09 – "Our three-year strategy for 2008-2011 is to drive innovation by connecting and catalysing. To achieve this we are focusing on three themes: challengeled innovation, technology-inspired innovation and the innovation climate. For more information on the overall strategy see www.innovateuk.org."

Links for April 29th, 30th and May 1st

  • Cabinet Office API programme: All Civil Service Jobs – An API for all Civil service jobs. To play with.
  • Anecdote: Vital behaviours for knowledge sharing – “Hmmm, I think people spend more time moving about the floor and having conversations,”
  • Your Right To Know » Article: Beef or chicken? Same gravy, different flavour – You can’t hope for a better result as a campaigner than to have the prime minister announce a major policy change within 48 hours of your documentary. Is this the power of television? Was Brown watching and choking on his dinner?
  • Charlie Beckett: Faster than the speed of mind: is media change out of control? – Some institutions should not fear the digital reaper. Anders Sandberg thinks that the value of the British Museum, for example, lies in its amazing collection of unique objects. They won’t change in a digital age. You could create a virtual British Museum but that would be additional to rather than replace the core essential value of its physical collection.Conventional libraries on the other hand may have to face up to the extinction of their previous book-based business model. The physical library could become irrelevant.
  • Basic Premises For Every Community Manager | Connie Bensen – Here’s a summary of the basic premises every community manager should keep in mind. And companies that are creating communities should also realize their importance.
  • Business Strategy: Ordnance Survey – it has determined that Ordnance Survey should implement a new business strategy to meet the changing needs of customers and the wider market.
  • WordPress in UK Government: an informal audit. Puffbox – “I thought it was about time I compiled a list of all the UK (central) government web projects I know of, which use WordPress.”
  • Headliners | 2009 | Drug Pressures in Alum Rock – Headliners in Brum: “This film was produced by Headliners reporters; Moneeb Khan, 14, Idrees Suleman, 13, Zayyan Ahmed, 12, Mohammed Ehsan, 13, Ahsan Arshad, 11, Wasim Arif, 18, Adnan Hussain, 16 and Mohammed Abass, 17”
  • BCN (Birmingham Canal Navigations) « CanalScene – Like this site and it’s use of Google Maps to trace canals.
  • DFID – UK Department for International Development – What I like about this site is the way it puts the story first – makes space at the top for frsh content. It’s designed to encourage a conversation between dfid and the rest of us.
  • Your content at risk: A credit crisis for the co-created web – If Flickr were to fail, how would that change your online generosity? Of course, Flickr would not be the first to disappear, taking our treasured content with it. But it would be the first co-created giant of the social media age to tank.  Imagine the holes it’s sudden desctruction would leave across millions of websites and blogs… there would be one on this blogpost, for a start.
  • Report: Social Media And Video Site Engagement Reshapes The Web | Nielsen Wire – “The meteoric growth in social media is the single most significant story in the online media space today. The numbers speak for themselves: the continuing growth in audience and engagement are like the bullet train that could.
    On the other hand, the implications of the social media phenomenon for marketers and publishers far outweigh the impressive metrics: the world’s leading marketers are realizingthat at the heart of the social media movement lies a method to transform the manner in which brands communicate with
    their consumers. We may be on the cusp of a disintermediationthat the advertising world hasn’t yet experienced.”
  • Government API Directory – ProgrammableWeb – Says what it is

Stuff I've seen April 18th through April 21st

These are my links for April 18th through April 21st:

  • Better ways to share information digitally « Observations – The Observatory’s Population & Society Group is planning a seminar in the summer to investigate and discuss how research organisations in the West Midlands can get better at sharing information digitally. Do you have any thoughts on this?
  • Google News Timeline – Google News Timeline supports lots of different types of queries that you can add by clicking on a checkbox below.
  • Birmingham City Council Press Releases – An independent site that purely exists to allow a space for commenting on Birmingham City Council Press Releases.
  • World Bank API – Welcome to the World Bank Developer Network! – The World Bank's first API offers 114 indicators from key data sources and 12,000 development photos (see all sources). We are releasing this API because we believe this information can be mapped, visualized and mashed up in an unlimited number of ways that will help develop a better understanding of trends and patterns around key development issues.
  • The Conservative Party | News | The Blue Blog | Making Government data work for you – "MySociety are campaigning for Parliamentary bills to be published in an internet-friendly format, so the public could be kept up-to-date with their progress through Parliament. Thankfully, David Cameron agrees – it’s a great idea, and one that could lead to a UK version of OpenCongress (or, better still, our version of YourOwnDemocracy – an ambitious US project still in its early stages) becoming reality."