John Barron is 90 years old and has spent a lifetime working for his community. He has volunteered at St Mary’s Hospice in Sellypark since it opened, and also introduced the Annual Flag Day – a street collection day for the hospice – which he has been running for over 25 years and raised nearly £300,000. He said when you see a need in the community you want to fill it – and once you have a acceptance it is a good idea – you have the determination to see it through.
In 1950 John started taking patients to Lourdes in France, arranged through Birmingham Diocese. He remembers transporting them in old coaches which were previously used for soldiers. He said his motivation is always the patients. He is cherished in his community and for his work, has been nominated by St Mary’s Hospice worker Joanne Proudler for the lifetime achievement award of the Birmingham’s Local Hearts Award. Here’s his story.