– The Election Leaflet Monitoring Project

Screenshot from The Straight Choice website
Screenshot from The Straight Choice website

The Straight Choice website is a place where anyone can upload any election leaflet delivered to them, so we can all keep track of what the parties are saying and whether it is true:

Election leaflets are one of the main weapons in the fight for votes in the UK. They are targeted, effective and sometimes very bitter. We need your help to photograph and map them so we can keep an eye on what the parties are up to, and try to keep them honest.

It has been put together by 3 very fine people:  Julian Todd who wrote Public Whip with Francis Irving, which became the input for mySociety’s In 2007 he made which applied the same idea to the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council. Richard Pope was also behind the Planning Alerts project, Groups Near You and StreetWire. He has a track record on this sort of site from the 2005  Election Memory project to record and publicise manifestos of the different parties in the Lambeth local elections. Francis Irving has also done substantial work on mySociety’s Great Job.