The cautionary tale of how not to use twitter to tell folk you don’t like the job you’ve just been offered. “Use your brains. The internet is a very public place. More so even than the water cooler. Exercise the same common sense and decorum you would in “real life” social situations.”
Participo on the home energy monitoring software Googlewatt: “Ambient data management, and visualisation at a personal level, along with the massive aggregation of zillions of households, plays right into Google’s core strengths…a lot like the really interesting Google Flu Tracking initiative that uses their search data to detect trends in search terms that predict early outbreaks.
The NHS has had the wisdom to spend some money with google for the search term Jade Goody – it point people to the site which encourages take of of the jab which can protect against cervical cancer.
Tessy at Thriving Too has this quick post about a whole resource of tools for what she calls purposeful play: “An amazing resource for learning through games has been created by James Neill. Neill is a lecturer at the Centre for Applied Psychology at the University of Canberra (Australia). His highly valuable collection of Games and Activities is one of the very best I have seen.”
Flashswap was a huge success, with loads of professional and hobby photographers swapping prints to support the campaign for a Birmingham Photospace.
Screen West Midlands on it’s first joint funding with 4iP –
Museum 2.0 reviews have 2004 project to get people to find their own content in museums: “Which brings us back to Sweden. In 2004, the firm Smart Studio created a unique flashlight-based interpretative interface for exploration of a historic blast furnace site in the old Swedish steel town of Avesta. The site itself has no interpretative material–no labels or obvious media elements. But each visitor is given a special flashlight, used both to illuminate the space (for general exploration) and to activate interpretative experiences include light projection, sound, and occasional physical experiences (i.e. smoke and heat). There are indicated hotspots in the site which activate interpretative material when the flashlights light on them. Smart Studio launched with two layers of content in the hotspots–educational (how the blast furnace works, explanation of certain elements and history) and poetic (imagistic stories from the perspective of steel workers, based on historical content). Visitors can walk through the blast furnace site and receive none of the interpretative material if they choose, or they can use their flashlights to activate content.”
It’s great to see how Birmingham’s Jubilee Debt Campaign groups has begun to get guest authors for the blog they set up through the social media surgeries.