Less than 4 weeks ago I was sitting in the Birmingham office of Oxfam talking to them about how they might use podcasting and blogs etc to drive their part of the your voice against poverty campaign. With apparently little experience, but intelligence, energy enthusiam and passion they’ve already produced this blog and the first podcasts of the one hundred brummies who want their voices against poverty heard. Amongst them is the endorsement of BRMB voice Tammy Gooding:
I think one of the greatest things about us Brits is our conscience. We’re a charitible nation and when the chips are down, it’s the UK that tends to dive in with a big heart.
Well I know Brummies have a reputation of not being afraid to speak their minds so I’m really pleased to be joining in with so many of you to speak out against poverty. I was approached to lend my voice to a cause, I simply couldn’t say no.
They’re now crashing towards a deadline of June 2nd for the World Can’t Wait Rally in London prior to the G8 in Germany next month. These voices want the G8 to honour their commitments on debt relief – although Oxfam also has a second message on funding carbon neutral development.
What does this prove about non-profit organisations, campaigning and new technology? For me it’s the old truth that the technology is not the point – it’s the desire to change things which makes the possible do-able.
By the way if you like this Oxbrum campaign please vote for it on upyerbrum – Birmingham’s local Digg for the things which make the city great.
technorati tags: makepoveryhistory g8