Pam Giddy at the power inquiry has been in touch to tell us about a handful of films made to challeneg the process of reforming the Lords. You can find them through these links to
– Alex Hardy and Phil Hall’s ‘The Road to House of Lords Reform’
– Mark Wrainwright’s ‘The Trouble with Lords’
– Duncan Tilly’s ‘House of Lords Fudge’.
Pam also sets out arguments for the adoption o fhte hayden review on party finances:
Party funding, as it exists today, gives parties less incentive to cultivate membership because they can rely on large donations, lends itself to the perception that party members have less influence than super rich donors and focuses spending at the national, rather than the local, level…..If the main parties continue to reject caps on individual donations and total spending at elections, they will knowingly allow some of the most damaging sources of disengagement to continue unchecked.
See also